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to Solidarity Dynamics

Solidarity Dynamics works to challenge and defeat the destructive exploitation of people and nature through mindful socialism - green and democratic.

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Capitalisms ... keeping tabs on it

Progressive capitalism

Can do capitalism

Peoples capitalism (shareholding)

Crony capitalism

Democratic capitalism

Neoliberal capitalism

Information capitalism

Surveillance capitalism

Predatory capitalism

Fossil capitalism

Disaster capitalism

Monopoly capitalism

Market capitalism

Post capitalism

Inclusive capitalism

Neoliberal capitalism

Fossil Capitalism

Monetary Capitalism

Extreme capitalism

Democratic capitalism

Primitive capitalism

Contemporary capitalism

21st century capitalism

Compost capitalism

Catastrophe capitalism

Extractive capitalism

Digital capitalism

Rentier capitalism

Amoral capitalism

Pandemic capitalism

New capitalism

Crony capitalism

Covid capitalism

Responsible capitalism

Cannibal capitalism

Values capitalism

I am 74 years old and live in Beauty Point, Tasmania, near the mouth of kanamaluka (Tamar River), on the western side. I have been living here since March 2022, having moved from Richmond, Melbourne and, before that Palm Beach, just north of Sydney.

I am now “retired” after nearly 20 years as an Education Coordinator, Organiser and Industrial Officer with the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union in their national office in Sydney.

The name of the aboriginal people who lived in these parts is still not yet confirmed. Nevertheless, they were here and this country has never been ceded by them.

I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging and respect the truth that they have never ceded their country to anyone.



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Blogs and web sites I follow

Labour News

Global Solidarity


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